Where To Look For Inspiration For Good College Essay Topics

Finding inspiration for good college essay topics can be trying. There are many types of college essays, each of which require a different style of writing. You should make sure you read over the directions for the type of college essay you are required to write so that the topic you pick falls within the parameters. For example, if you are asked to write an argumentative essay that relates to a book you are reading in class, then it is best to obviously stick with that book rather than searching for a different topic altogether. If you are asked to write a compare and contrast piece then you will obviously need to search for two things, minimum, which you can compare and contrast.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the assignment you can start looking for inspiration in the following places:

  1. Book Collection
  2. One good place to look is your personal book collection. Why? Because good college essay topics are often directly related to the things you know and love. If you look at your personal book collection you will find hints of your passion. If your book collection includes a great number of political books, then a good college essay topic is one that is politically related. If your personal book collection has a lot of books on the Roman Empire, then you can find inspiration for good college essay topics.

  3. Stories from Childhood
  4. Every parent has endless stories related to your childhood. Ask them (they will be glad to hear from you anyway) for a list of stories or memorable events in your childhood as inspiration for what events had a large influence on your life and who you are today.

  5. Previous Papers.
  6. Look over papers you have previously written and see if anything sparks your imagination. You can find old topics and perhaps reuse them or change the angle to something more appropriate for the assignment at hand.

  7. The Internet.
  8. The internet is chock full of inspiration for stories. Try reading through the news and finding good magazines. Read the articles and see if something in them inspires you for your particular assignment. You might find that just relaxing your mind and reading the magazine articles for a few hours allows your creative juices to flow and your topic to come to you when you least expect it.
