How To Write A Catchy Essay Introduction

Steps to writing a good essay:

  • First Step: Have to pick a good topic. Pick a good topic by coming up with excellent ideas that are interesting to you.
  • Second Step: Narrow down the list of ideas to no more than five ideas.
  • Third Step: Pick the topic from the top five ideas. The topic chosen should be one that is fun, interesting, and compelling to write about.
  • Fourth Step: Draft an outline of the topic, before writing the essay, to determine whether or not the topic is a good one.
  • Fifth Step: If the topic is okay to use in the essay, it is time to do research to get enough notes on the topic.
  • Sixth Step: All notes gathered should be organized in an outline. The outline will provide the writer with a guideline on how to write the essay.
  • Seventh Step: Using the outline, the writer should begin to write a rough draft of the essay.
  • Eighth Step: The writer must ensure that the rough draft of the essay is checked for errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence format.
  • Ninth Step: After making the necessary corrections, the writer can begin writing the final draft of the essay.
  • Tenth Step: Before turning in the final copy of the essay, it has to be checked for any errors. Make the necessary corrections to the final essay and turn it in for grading.

Why the Introduction to any essay is very important?

  • The Introduction to any essay lets the reader know what will be discussed in the essay.
  • The Introduction lets the reader know the following information:
    1. Topic.
    2. Thesis Statement.
    3. Main points to support the topic.
    4. Tells how the essay will flow.
  • The last sentence of the Introduction is always the thesis statement.
  • The Introduction has to be written in a way that can catch and keep the reader’s attention.
  • The Introduction should never include too many “catchy phrases” to distract the reader.
  • The Introduction should never conclude the essay.
  • The essay’s Introduction needs to be so compelling that the reader will be excited to read the entire essay.
  • The Introduction to the essay lets the reader know what is happening in the story.
  • The Introduction gives the “meat of the story” to the reader and the reader will want to read the whole essay.
  • The Introduction should always outline the main points of the topic.