Is it possible to find a good term paper sample?

Anytime that a teacher assigns a project, essay, or term paper there are always students who are confused about what the final product should be. One of the most helpful things that teachers can do is show their students samples of good papers, but unfortunately, many teachers do not do this. Teachers are reluctant because they want the student to figure it out for themselves and they do not want the students make their assignments look just like the samples. If you need to see what a good term paper looks like, there are places you can go to see good examples. These are a few places to turn:

  • Teacher Websites: There are many students and teachers who post samples of excellent term papers online. This is rapidly changing because of the tendency for so many students to cheat. Teachers might have links to good sample papers that are available at writing tutoring sites, too.
  • School Websites: Many colleges have online writing labs where they provide assistance with anything and everything related to writing. You can research grammar, mechanics, style, and content. You can also look for sample papers, too. The papers might be in pieces, so students like you can see how to craft pieces of the term paper, like the introduction or works cited page.
  • Internet Search: It is possible to find high quality term papers online with basic search engine searches. The problem is that many students do not know how to tell the difference between a good example and a bad example. If you do find one online, do not copy any of it; because, if you can find the paper, then so can your teacher.
  • Writing Textbooks: Textbooks usually have examples. If you have a writing textbooks, do not hesitate to look for a sample. If you do not have a textbook, many are available online or in school libraries. Term papers have not changed much over the years - with the exception of documenting online sources - so you can use an old one if you cannot find anything else.
  • Your Friends and Classmates: Students will often turn to students who have taken the class already and have saved their papers. There is nothing wrong with asking to see a sample, just do not submit it to your teacher as your own. If you have friends who understand the process, they can also help you by showing you the papers they are writing.