Writing an English term paper in a week

Writing a term paper of any sort does not have to be the nightmare that it may seem to be when it is first assigned. For starters you generally have at least a week to do it in. If you break it down into getting certain aspects of it done each day then it is a much more manageable project and you are likely to be better able to deal with it. Why don’t we try that now?

Day 1

Today is the day that the paper was assigned. You should spend your time on the project tonight trying to find a topic in a narrow field to write your term paper on. Try to narrow it down as much as you can so you are only focusing on one thing.

Day 2

By now you have your topic and can begin researching it. While you are doing your research and taking notes you should also be making notes for your citations.

Day 3

You can spend today organizing your notes and making an outline for your paper.

Day 4

Today is rough draft day. Spend your allotted time today working up a rough draft of your paper going by the outline from yesterday and the notes from researching the day before. Go over your rough draft when you finish it and check for things like spelling, grammar, punctuation, cohesion of thoughts and ideas as well as for things like insightfulness and whether or not it will keep the reader engaged. Make notes for what you find.

Day 5

Using the rough draft and accompanying notes from yesterday you will write your final draft today. With all of the work that you have done so far this should be extremely easy to do.

Day 6

Today’s work is a breeze. All you have to do today is read over the finished paper one more time checking for spelling, grammar, punctuation, thought cohesion, insightfulness and the level of engagement.

Day 7

Turn it in.

As you can see, when you break writing an English term paper in a week down to specific things each day, the whole process seems easier and will progress much more smoothly than if you try to cram it all in the night before it is due. You will also find that you feel as if you are under much less stress if you have it all mapped out before you even start.